The nearest Railway station to Gir National Park is Junagadh Junction Railway Station and Veraval Railway Station. Let’s know the difference between these two.

Here’s some important information about Junagadh Junction Railway Station:

1. Distance: Junagadh Junction Railway Station is located approximately 73 kilometers away from Gir National Park. You can cover this distance by taking a taxi or private vehicle from Junagadh Railway station.

2. Time Taken: The travel time from Junagadh Junction Railway Station to Gir National Park by road is approximately 2 to 2.5 hours, depending on the traffic conditions.

3. Number of Trains: Junagadh Junction Railway Station is well-connected to major cities like Mumbai, Delhi, Ahmedabad, and Rajkot by regular train services. However, it’s important to check the current train schedules as the number of trains and their timings can be different.

4. Important Note: While Junagadh Junction Railway Station is the nearest major railway station to Gir National Park, visitors can also consider other nearby railway stations like Veraval Railway Station, which is approximately 70 km away, or Rajkot Junction Railway Station, which is approximately 160 km away. However, these stations may have fewer train options compared to Junagadh Junction Railway Station.

Here’s some important information about Veraval Railway Station:

1. Distance: Veraval Railway Station is located approximately 63 kilometers away from Gir National Park. You can cover this distance by taking a taxi or private vehicle from the station.

2. Time Taken: The travel time from Veraval Railway Station to Gir National Park by road is approximately 1.5 to 2 hours, depending on the traffic conditions.

3. Number of Trains: Veraval Railway Station is connected to various cities across India, including Mumbai, Ahmedabad, Delhi, and Rajkot. The number of trains is less as compared to Junagadh Junction, so it’s advisable to check the current train schedules for availability and timings.

4. Important Note: Veraval Railway Station is an alternative option for travelers visiting Gir National Park. This station is closer in distance compared to Junagadh Junction Railway Station.

Which is better Junagadh or Veraval

Both stations provide access to Gir National Park. However, Junagadh Junction is famous among tourists coming to Gir National Park because this station has better connectivity and facilities as compared to Veraval Railway Station. Book your jeep safari now from Gir Safari Booking to experience wild adventures at Gir National Park.  

Published by Sanskriti Goyal on February 13, 2024


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